Friday, December 27, 2024

Monster Rancher 2 DX: My Monster YouTube Playlists

About four years ago, by courtesy of an Android emulator, I returned to playing one of my favorite childhood games: Monster Rancher 2. It is an indescribable feeling to be able to raise terrific monsters and manage to achieve their entry into the Hall of Fame, in which your "children" are eternally recognized for their towering achievements. When I heard news that KOEI TECMO GAMES released Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX on Steam around three years ago, it came as a lovely surprise! To make a long story short, I purchased the legendary game and have now raised some flippercanorious monsters, among which are the super hardy Cosmonol and the exercise-addicted genie Gymnie!

Necrobot uses Burst Cannon in its quest to defeat リック (Rick)
©KOEI TECMO GAMES All rights reserved.

Just like before, I decided to record videos of my beloved monsters' battles and upload them to my YouTube channel. Check out their playlists and I hope you have a whale of a time enjoying the wondrous spectacles!


- Click the monster's name to be directed to the playlist

- I will update the list as I finish raising more monsters

Monster 1: J-1000

J-1000 (Metal Jell - Jell/???)
©KOEI TECMO GAMES All rights reserved.

Monster 2: Cosmonol

Cosmonol (Galaxy - Monol/???)
©KOEI TECMO GAMES All rights reserved.

Monster 3: Necrobot

Necrobot (Skeleton - Henger/???)
©KOEI TECMO GAMES All rights reserved.

Monster 4: Gymnie

Gymnie (Gym Bajarl - Bajarl/???)
©KOEI TECMO GAMES All rights reserved.

Monster 5: Bloodbather

Bloodbather (Bloodshed - Joker/???)
©KOEI TECMO GAMES All rights reserved.

Monster 6: Wackosaurus

Wackosaurus (Wild Saurian - Zuum/???)
©KOEI TECMO GAMES All rights reserved.
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Friday, November 1, 2024

The Nature of Nature

Having finished chowing down on the exciting action-adventure novel ARK FOUND: An Omega Files Adventure (Book 2) by Rick Chesler, I feel it's time I wrote this article before setting off for my next read by the same author: Luna. I hope the seemingly redundant use of the word "nature" doesn't discourage you from resuming your perusal (I can assure you the title is carefully thought-out).

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

What stimulated me to write this post is something along the lines of people vociferously complaining  about the existence of a video on social media showing the gory depiction of an animal killing and/or eating another animal of a different type. Think about lions hunting a zebra, for instance. (If you'd like to go back much further in time, imagine a Tyrannosaurus assailing a Triceratops in Late Cretaceous North America.) Such things are natural phenomena, and vehemently resenting and detesting them would naturally prompt me to raise my eyebrows.

I understand that such macabre events can make some (or many) flinch, but that's the harsh reality of nature. That's the nature of nature. Lions are predators and carnivores (their dental apparatus is not "designed" for ingesting vegetation) and without consuming flesh, they would simply vanish into thin air. They have evolved this way, and it is not their fault that they have to kill other animals in order to survive. Taking sides is a mind-bending thing to do and can lead to cognitive dissonance. Nevertheless, it seems that nowadays many people are drawn to this sort of behavior and continue engaging in mental masturbation – X is an extremely cute animal! Nobody and nothing should ever hurt it! The more videos of X thriving on social media I see, the more ecstatic I am!

An implication of the nature of nature pertains to morality. I have changed my mind on more than one thing in my life and this is one example of those. I used to firmly believe in absolute morality, but the nature of nature has simply crushed this way of thinking. Let's take birds and worms, for example. Is it morally right to catch worms and feed them to birds? Well, from birds' point of view, definitely yes, as it will give them the nutrients they need, but it's certainly a huge no from worms' standpoint, as it will contribute to their demise. Talking of this matter, Dr. Henry Wu's quote in Jurassic World has had a deep impact on me: "Monster is a relative term. To a canary, a cat is a monster. We're just used to being the cat."

Then, a question naturally arises: How should we live our lives? I think the best approach to answering this question is shown by the following quote from Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a.k.a. Osho: "You should care only about one thing, that you are happy, that you are blissful, that you are silent, that you are at ease with existence."

Related article: Animal Abuse
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Friday, October 18, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

English-Indonesian False Friends

Taking a short break from perusing the grandificently written novel Hotel Megalodon by Rick Chesler, I am here nestled on my bed writing this English-themed article. Some (or many?) friends are not real; those backstabbers or wolves in sheep's clothing should be eschewed, hurled into oblivion in a split second. Nevertheless, this is not the sense this article intends to discuss.

In linguistic terminology, a false friend is "a word in a foreign language that is similar to one in your own, so that you wrongly think they both mean the same thing" (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online). It is obvious that false friends can impede a language learner's progress, misleading them into an incorrect understanding of a word. Hence, I hope the following list of English-Indonesian false friends can help English-learning Indonesian speakers and Indonesian-learning English speakers alike to avoid such a misunderstanding potentially caused by these "masquerading foes". Enjoy!


  • In each entry, the first word is English and the second word Indonesian.
  • The entries are arranged in alphabetical order.
  • The definition of the English word is from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online, unless stated otherwise.
  • If you would like to suggest your own false friends, feel free to contact me. I will credit you for your contribution(s).

  1. air vs. air (added on October 10, 2024)
    • air: the mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breathe
    • air: water
  2. Angus vs. (h)angus (added on October 6, 2024)
    • Angus: any of a breed of usually black hornless beef cattle originating in Scotland (Merriam-Webster)
    • (h)angus: burnt
  3. babe vs. babe (added on October 10, 2024)
    • babe: a word for an attractive young woman; a way of speaking to someone you love, especially your wife or husband
    • babe: father; dad
  4. baggage vs. bagasi (added on October 19, 2024)
    • baggage: the cases, bags, boxes etc. carried by someone who is traveling
    • bagasi: the part at the back of a car where you can put bags, tools etc.; trunk [US]/boot [UK]
    • Note that the word "bagasi" can also refer to the English meaning above.
  5. ballyhoo vs. baliho
    • ballyhoo: when there is a lot of excitement or anger about something – used to show disapproval
    • baliho: a promotional medium that gives information about an activity related to a society (Kumparan)
    • Note that the word "baliho" can also refer to the English meaning above.
  6. bandan(n)a vs. bando
    • bandan(n)a: a large brightly colo(u)red piece of cloth that you wear around your head or neck
    • bando: headband
  7. benzene vs. bensin
    • benzene: a liquid obtained from coal, used for making plastics
    • bensin: gasoline [US]/petrol [UK]
  8. bow tie vs. bau ta(h)i
    • bow tie: a short piece of cloth tied in the shape of a bow that men sometimes wear around their neck
    • bau ta(h)i: the smell of f(a)eces
  9. bullet vs. bulat
    • bullet: a small piece of metal that you fire from a gun
    • bulat: round(ed)
  10. center [US]/centre [UK] vs. senter
    • center [US]/centre [UK]: the middle of a space, area, or object, especially the exact middle; a building which is used for a particular purpose or activity
    • senter: flashlight [US]/torch [UK]
  11. colo(u)r vs. kolor
    • colo(u)r: red, blue, yellow, green, brown, purple etc.
    • kolor: briefs; underpants [US]/pants [UK]
  12. copy vs. kopi (added on November 1, 2024)
    • copy: something that is made to be exactly like another thing
    • kopi: coffee
    • Note that the word "kopi" can also refer to the English meaning above.
  13. cost vs. kos(t)
    • cost: the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy, do, or produce something
    • kos(t): boarding house; bedsit [UK]
  14. critic vs. kritik
    • critic: someone whose job is to make judgments about the good and bad qualities of art, music, films etc.; someone who criticizes a person, organization, or idea
    • kritik: criticism
  15. dozen vs. dosen
    • dozen: twelve
    • dosen: lecturer
  16. espionage vs. spion
    • espionage: the activity of secretly finding out secret information and giving it to a country’s enemies or a company’s competitors 
    • spion: side mirror [US]/wing mirror [UK]
  17. fabric vs. pabrik
    • fabric: cloth used for making clothes, curtains etc.
    • pabrik: factory
  18. grocer vs. grosir
    • grocer: someone who owns or works in a shop that sells food and other things used in the home
    • grosir: wholesale(r)
  19. groggy vs. grogi
    • groggy: weak and unable to move well or think clearly because you are ill or very tired
    • grogi: nervous; have butterflies (in your stomach)
  20. guru vs. guru
    • guru: someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, and gives advice to other people; a Hindu religious teacher or leader
    • guru: teacher
  21. hide vs. haid
    • hide: to deliberately put or keep something or someone in a place where they cannot easily be seen or found; to go or stay in a place where no one will see or find you
    • haid: menstruation
  22. ketchup vs. kecap
    • ketchup: a thick cold red sauce made from tomatoes that you put on food
    • kecap: soy sauce
  23. khaki vs. kaki
    • khaki: a dull green-brown or yellow-brown colo(u)r; cloth of this colo(u)r, especially when worn by soldiers
    • kaki: foot; leg
  24. modal vs. modal (added on October 6, 2024)
    • modal: a verb, such as "can", "might", and "must", that is used with another verb to express an idea such as possibility that is not expressed by the main verb of a sentence (Cambridge Dictionary)
    • modal: capital; money or property, especially when it is used to start a business or to produce more wealth
  25. optical vs. optik
    • optical: relating to machines or processes which are concerned with light, images, or the way we see things
    • optik: optometrist's [US]/optician's [UK]
    • Note that the word "optik" can also refer to the English meaning above.
  26. ounce vs. ons
    • ounce: a unit for measuring weight, equal to 28.35 grams. There are 16 ounces in a pound.
    • ons: a unit for measuring weight, equal to 100 grams
  27. police vs. polis (added on October 18, 2024)
    • police: the people who work for an official organization whose job is to catch criminals and make sure that people obey the law
    • polis: policy; a contract with an insurance company, or an official written statement giving all the details of such a contract
  28. policy vs. polisi (added on October 18, 2024)
    • policy: a way of doing something that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party, a business, or another organization; a contract with an insurance company, or an official written statement giving all the details of such a contract
    • polisi: police
  29. prawn vs. perawan
    • prawn: a small pink shellfish that can be eaten
    • perawan: virgin
  30. pulse vs. pulsa
    • pulse: the regular beat that can be felt, for example at your wrist, as your heart pumps blood around your body
    • pulsa: cell phone credit [US]/mobile phone credit [UK]
  31. room vs. rumah
    • room: a part of the inside of a building that has its own walls, floor, and ceiling
    • rumah: house; home
  32. solar vs. solar (added on October 19, 2024)
    • solar: relating to the sun; using the power of the sun’s light and heat
    • solar: a type of heavy oil used instead of petrol in engines, especially in trucks, buses, and trains; diesel (fuel/oil)
  33. sinister vs. sinis
    • sinister: making you feel that something evil, dangerous, or illegal is happening or will happen
    • sinis: cynical
  34. vocal vs. vokal
    • vocal: expressing strong opinions publicly, especially about things that you disagree with; relating to the voice or to singing
    • vokal: vowel
    • Note that the word "vokal" can also refer to the English meanings above.

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Quote #118

"The attainment of peace of mind involves resigning yourself to everyday misfortunes and inconveniences." - Klinsman Hinjaya
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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Quote #117

"The universe is an exhaustible source of mind-stimulating materials, ever-ready to be probed and, hopefully, grokked by the willing." - Klinsman Hinjaya
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Friday, June 14, 2024

It's Not the End of the World

The title of this article is a cool-sounding English idiom that is used to assure someone that a "problem is not as bad as they think" (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online). This expression is efficacious at executing its task because it 'intelligently' compares one's predicament with the worst possible of all: Doomsday. The fact that this can be found in major dictionaries is a testament to its effectiveness as a lexical item. Nonetheless, something in it has tickled my philosophical mind.

What if it IS the end of the world? Imagine the earth is on the verge of being pummeled by an asteroid vastly larger than the one wiping out non-avian dinosaurs. Or some sort of zombie apocalypse being underway, slowly but surely exterminating our very own species, Homo sapiens. These are highly hypothetical, but scientifically speaking, we are on a trajectory toward the inevitable demise that is patiently awaiting us far, far away temporally. Facing such a potentially petrifying reality, what should we do? I turn to Stoicism for the answer.

The ancient philosophy provides us with a potent tool for achieving a sense of inner peace: amor fati. This Latin expression translates as 'a love of fate', which is self-explanatory. This Stoic practice teaches us to love whatever happens, getting rid of the mental resistance that is only holding us back in life. Sh*t happens (and coprolites happened): this is the reality of life. We need to wholeheartedly embrace our fate, accepting that it is the best that could have happened and harboring no regrets whatsoever. Stoic philosopher Epictetus encapsulates amor fati brilliantly: “Do not seek for things to happen the way you want them to; rather, wish that what happens happen the way it happens: then you will be happy.“ Practicing amor fati makes it possible for you to experience the fullness of happiness and ataraxia.

Ergo, whether it is the end of the world or not the end of the world doesn't matter. Let's just devote our time, energy, and attention to the present moment, making the most of we currently have with love, passion, and gratitude. I would like to end this article with a profoundly mindset-changing quote on death from the doyen of science communication, Richard Dawkins:

We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here. We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?
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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Level Up – Book Review

Hardback version of Level Up by Rob Dial
Photo taken at Periplus Mall Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
Level Up: Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating and Upgrade Your Life
by Rob Dial

My life has been pretty good so far and I'm positive that I'm not the idlest or the least productive person in the world. Nevertheless, before deciding to masticate this book, I felt that I could be a better version of myself, realizing the full potential that the universe had bestowed upon this earthling. When there is room for improvement, it's time to act, isn't it? The next question is "Why this book?" I'm not usually a self-development-book–reader kind of guy, but, as far as I can remember, podcaster and coach Rob Dial has always hooked me on his intellectual charm ever since I found him (I think it was on Facebook). This explains why I've been propelled to diving into the mindset guru's writing for my personal growth and I'm glad I did.

If I had to describe Level Up: Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating and Upgrade Your Life by Rob Dial in a nutshell, it would be "cheat sheets for a better life". This book wonderfully presents the grand recipe for success in fewer than 250 pages, and the author deserves infinite plaudits for that (this is not an exaggeration). From Level Up, I have gained a massive number of insights into self-improvement: the way our fear robs us of our opportunities to grow (pun sort of intended), the pernicious nature of distraction (which has prompted me to turn off some social media notifications), how to establish discipline, and so on and so forth. Anything that is scientifically backed trumps those which aren't, and that's a huge part of why Level Up is outstandingly good. This book is laden with science and there is a chapter devoted to discussing neuroplasticity, which the author defines as "the brain's ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience" (p. 196). Rob is an eloquent writer and it is a great pleasure to read his writing. You may find some of what he wrote somewhat repetitive, but I think it's fine because we often need to be reminded over and over when it comes to personal development. To end this paragraph, I'd like to say that Level Up is one of the most helpful books I've ever read in my life. Simply brilliant and fascinating read on the subject.

If you feel stuck in your life, are frustrated with your progress, or simply aiming to become a better person, Level Up is the right book for you. Grab it fast, level up, and achieve your goals!

Have you read Level Up? How did you find the book? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!
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Friday, May 3, 2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Quote #113

"When presented with real, unpalatable truths, the foolish reject but the wise accept them." - Klinsman Hinjaya
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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Quote #112

"Books are pairs of magical wings that enable you to travel and explore limitless uncharted worlds boasting numberless life treasures." - Klinsman Hinjaya
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Friday, February 23, 2024

Lily and Maia: A Dinosaur Adventure – Book Review

Image source:

Lily and Maia: A Dinosaur Adventure
by Jack Horner
Illustrations by Grace Hattrup

Lily and Maia: A Dinosaur Adventure is an inspiring story about an intrepid, very young, female amateur paleontologist who is crazy about dinosaurs and goes on an adventure in Montana in quest of nests of Maiasaura. (Maiasaura is a type of duck-billed dinosaur which the author, Jack Horner, discovered with his friend in that region of the United States.) Why should this book be on every child's bookshelf?

Firstly, Lily and Maia highlights the importance of pursuing your passion. Life is short and, if possible, what is better than doing what you love? This book encourages parents and teachers alike to wholeheartedly support their children in their endeavors, as long as they are positive and bring good to the world.

Moreover, Lily and Maia raises the paramount theme of science. Fostering the love of science is dispensable as our species' existence hinges on it, and childhood is the best time to start instilling this quality. Through the medium of dinosaurs and paleontology, Lily and Maia beautifully conveys this critical message.

Dedicated to Jack Horner's colleague Holly Woodward and featuring lovely illustrations by Grace Hattrup, Lily and Maia offers a simple yet profound children's story filled with adventure, friendship, and science and is a great gift to the world of education.

Have you read Lily and Maia: A Dinosaur Adventure? What is your opinion on this children's book? Share in the comment section below!
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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Have to

It's 2024! I am beyond grateful to still be alive and kicking at the present moment and able to continue relishing the glory emanated by the dinosaurs, English language, and Jay Chou. Some moment ago, the hardwiring of my brain produced an idea of carefully examining the simple phrase which is this post's title: have to. This two-word expression might look simple, but, I believe, the impact it makes on a human's life can be absolutely profound and far from negligible.

The expression have to denotes obligation. It shows that something is necessary and not doing so would mean something negative ensues. For the most part, obligation is indeed positive; it can establish peace and order, with which humans can thrive. However, I think we sometimes need to rethink this concept of having to do something, simply because perhaps we actually do not have to do it.

An example that springs to mind is marriage. So many people allow themselves to be bound in this romantic relationship such that it seems obligatory for humans to take wedding vows at some point in their lives. But is it? Does everyone have to place themselves in such a commitment? Does getting married ensure one lives an ideal, happy life?

Let's turn to lifestyle. Well-to-do people may cause some to drool over their luxuries and extravagance. But then a question arises: Do people have to be wealthy? Of course, nobody can be genuinely content with their lives if they are impecunious, but Stoicism says that in order to have peace of mind, you just have to be able to afford the basic necessities.

We could contemplate this eviternally. Do I have to reach the position of a director? A president? Do I have to have a child? Children? Do I have to buy a PS5? A Pagani? Do I have to possess a toned physique? A long, pointy nose? Do I have to travel to Japan? Study in the US? Live in a mansion? And the list infinitely goes on and on...

No single human is exactly the same as the other. We come from different backgrounds and have different tastes and preferences. Your have to might be different from my have to. This is not a one-size-fits-all matter. Many people may be surprised that they actually have far fewer have to's than there appear to be. Probably what we really have to do in life is simply become more recalcitrant. ;)
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Friday, January 5, 2024

Quote #110

"A profound way to improve yourself is to regularly and consistently scrutinize your own thoughts, beliefs, and positions minutely." - Klinsman Hinjaya
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Monday, January 1, 2024