Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Dinosaur Therapy – Book Review

Image source:
Dinosaur Therapy
by James Stewart and K Roméy

I am in seventh heaven! Yes, I just purchased a Kindle! 🥳🥳🥳 The e-reader, which I named Klindle (short for "Klinsman's Kindle"), is the culmination of my accumulating thoughts swirling around my reading life. Both my bookracks are almost full, which means I'm running out of storage for books. Needless to say, print books have something indescribable to it, but e-books offer a number of advantages, including the lack of need for space required by their paper kin. So, voilà! Now I'm an e-book reader! 📱📚📖😄 And, as you might expect, the very first book I bought and read is Dinosaur Therapy 🦕🦖🧠📖 by James Stewart and K Roméy.

Let's cut to the chase: I thoroughly recommend this dinosaur comic book. Why? Dinosaur Therapy highlights a very important societal issue that seems to be largely taboo and blithely ignored: mental health. This topic is nicely presented in the form of short comic strips (mostly consisting of 4 panels) showing a wide range of situations which are grouped into 7 chapters, for example "Growing Up", "Depression", and "Relationships". This book reveals things that might fly under the radar as we go about our business on a daily basis, but they are crucial to acknowledge and discuss for it is people who make up society and our mental states are a determining factor in the future of our species.

Reading Dinosaur Therapy will open up a lot of possibilities for a mental-health–literate society, which is just what we need in a seemingly crumbling world, psychologically speaking. I can imagine the book becoming alive and saying, "We need to normalize talking about mental health issues and rather than behaving as if they did not exist, we have to work together to find the best solutions to these 'invisible' problems." Keep in mind that it is not always negativity that you will find here; the book also portrays positive realities regarding mental health. Another thing that I like about Dinosaur Therapy is that the drawings are cute and do not look intimidating, which would help readers relate to the subject. Oh, one more thing: if you are a dinosaur freak like me, this comic will be a unique addition to your collection.

As you go on the journey with the blue T. rex, you will find yourself weeping, laughing, and reflecting over and over again. Treat your mind through perusing Dinosaur Therapy.

Have you read Dinosaur Therapy? What is your view on this book? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!


  1. You know i love the dinosaur page.. When my days aren't well, dinosaur page sometimes cheer me up.. I haven't read the book yet.. But your blog did explain the fun!

    1. Yes, the comic strips are really a form of effective therapy! By the way, there is a second book entitled Dinosaur Philosophy, which is slated for release soon. Can't wait for that as well! 😊
