Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Stoicism for Inner Peace – Book Review

Stoicism for Inner Peace
by Einzelgänger

The last several months have been an exhilarating philosophical ride for me. The previous book that I read is The Little Book of Humanism, an all-important philosophy work which I regard as "one of the most important, if not the most important, books I have ever read in my life." Having finished the marvelous opus, I ventured into deepening my knowledge and understanding of another school of philosophy by reading Stoicism for Inner Peace 🏛️📖 by Einzelgänger. Before I started reading the book, I had been so powerfully drawn into this ancient philosophy that I created a blog post about it entitled the name itself (to read my article about Stoicism, click here). Perusing the volume just made me more deeply in love with the philosophy and to start with, I would like to say that Stoicism for Inner Peace by Einzelgänger deserves to be placed cheek by jowl with its humanism cousin on my shelf for essential books for life.

No, I wasn't exaggerating in any way. Especially in this era of rife chaos and pandemonium, we seriously need guidance on living our lives in an orderly and tranquil manner. How can we attain that aspiration? From my viewpoint, Stoicism is the way, and this philosophical realm is gloriously and effectively presented in this book through the hand(s) of "the loner". In Stoicism for Inner Peace, you will discover Stoic principles, teachings, and wisdom regarding the numerous issues that humans encounter and need to deal with in life. Take a look at the following questions:

  • How can I achieve true happiness?
  • Does anger have any value at all? Can it be justifiable in any way?
  • I just broke up and it hurts so much that I want to end my life. Is it possible for me to deal with this extremely depressing situation?
  • My father is the worst man on earth and I mortally hate him. He deserves it, doesn't he?
  • I just got laid off and it's really hard to find a job nowadays. I don't have a lot of savings either. What should I do?
  • This pandemic has caused acute distress for so many people, including me. It's the end of the world, right?

You may have questions similar to the above in your mind, and if you are still wondering, this book provides the best answers for tackling them. Stoicism for Inner Peace also has a section discussing four great Stoic philosophers: Zeno of Citium (the founder of Stoicism), Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor), Epictetus (a slave), and Seneca the Younger (a statesman). As if that's not enough, the author supplies a set of exercises for readers to become a better Stoic in chapters such as "Praemeditatio Malorum", "Memento Mori", and "Amor Fati".

This book is a masterpiece, not only due to the nature of its contents but also the way it was written by the author. Einzelgänger is absolutely an ace writer. His God-tier eloquence shines throughout the book and it makes this philosophy gem very clear, persuasive, and engaging. He does not ramble on or include any unnecessary parts, taking a straightforward approach without sacrificing nuances.

In brief, Stoicism for Inner Peace is a truly worthwhile investment if you want to live a good life. For my money, you will actually get more than your money's worth (see what I did there?). There are certainly other resources for learning about Stoicism, but believe me, you can't go wrong with this one. Read Stoicism for Inner Peace, practice the philosophy, and attain inner peace. Be a Stoic. 😊

Have you read Stoicism for Inner Peace? What do you reckon to this book? Share your opinion in the comment section below!
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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Quote #75

"Segregation is a horrid plague to humanity. What causes us to splinter is simply to be extirpated." - Klinsman Hinjaya
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